Saturday, September 26, 2009


One for all the "Speed Freaks" out there!!
A project for Hari Raya 2009..

Date launched : August 2009
Price : RM30 (postage included)

(please send email to for order or inquiries.
sales available at events near you.)

Friday, September 25, 2009

PROJECT #01 : ISCOOTKL - the logo

A tribute to our beloved scootering scene.

Date launched : January 2008

Price : RM30 (postage included)

(please send email to for order or inquiries.
sales available at events near you.)

SCOOTKL @ ADIDAS 60TH Birthday Party, 27th February 2009


ISCOOTKL is an effort to unite all classic scooterists in our beloved country, Malaysia. No matter if you are a 'New Comer' or and 'Old Timer', no matter what, WE ARE ONE!
(a small art project for the masses by goofyart)
ISCOOTKL merupakan sebuah usaha untuk menyatukan semua penunggang skuter klasik di negara kita yang tercinta, Malaysia. Sama ada anda 'Orang Lama' atau 'Pendatang Baru', tidak kira apa, KITA ADALAH SATU!
(satu projek seni kecil utk semua dari goofyart)
the logo:(1) the silhouette image of the scooter in red, is a symbol of love that we have towards the beautiful humble vehicle that we all ride with pride. (2) KL or Kuala Lumpur is the capital city of Malaysia and it has always been referred to Malaysia in the worldwide press. So the use of the letter KL, is a symbolic reference to represent us as Malaysians in eyes of the world.
logo:(1) imej bayang-bayang skuter berwarna merah adalah simbol cinta kepada kenderaan yang kita semua tunggang dengan penuh rasa kebanggaan. (2) KL atau Kuala Lumpur merupakan ibu negara Malaysia dan ia sering dirujuk kepada Malaysia di dalam akhbar-akhbar dunia. Penggunaan huruf KL ialah rujukan simbolik untuk mewakilkan kita sebagai rakyat Malaysia pada pandangan mata dunia.